Life with pigs | Pax ate my plant — again

Paxton ate my cactus yesterday. Yes, A CACTUS.  Lucky for him it wasn’t too prickly.

It’s been cold and dry in Florida so nothing is growing. Which means Paxton and Cooper are bored with the same old half-eaten grass in our yard.

The dynamic duo (though if you ask Michael, it’s all Paxton) has been up to some trouble with all that boredom.

First, it was my nice new outdoor sectional. Cooper decided it would make for a comfy spot and Paxton followed suit. I’m pretty sure they even tried to make a fort out of the cushions.img_2009

Then they discovered they could reach my plants behind the couch and have a feast.

I thought I had outsmarted them, I moved all my plants far away enough from the couch (in theory) that Pax and Coop couldn’t reach them.

Paxton accepted the challenge and went after my 3-foot cactus (pictured above in the “fort” photo behind the center of the couch.)

Michael went out back to check on the boys and found my poor plant half eaten and pulled from its pot.

I googled the plant like any good pig mom does when their pigs eat things and come to find out, it’s a Nopal Cactus. It has so many health benefits, we should be eating it too. Go figure.


[More: Our pigs made poop-kins!]

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